Friday, January 20, 2017

what is newsworthy?

“The case for more oil pipelines in Canada”

Timing - 4/4
This news story is was posted on November 21 2016. The timing of this news article is great as many people in Canada are not working or are looking for other work and a new pipeline would offer all kinds of jobs. Another reason its timing is good is because talk of global warming and our carbon footprint as a species has been a hot topic of late and this brings up some very good points as to why a new pipeline may or may not be a good idea.

Significance - 3/4
Many people have strong opinions about the pipelines so this article is pretty significant to a lot of people. Although this article doesn’t state whether or not they will go through with the pipeline for certain it still states a lot of pros and mentions some of the cons of having the pipeline

Proximity - 4/4
The geographical proximity is extremely close as it is in Canada and could easily affect people in our area as plenty of people are looking for work and might go out west to work on this pipeline

Prominence - 3/4
This story is quite prominent as many people have an opinion on pipelines and whether or not the risk on the environment is worth the jobs it creates and oil it brings. A pipeline of this size could affect a lot of Canadians.

Human Interest - 4/4
This story has a lot of human interest because the opposers of pipelines worry what the environmental consequences could be if a pipeline of this size was to blow. Oil spills have destroyed the water of communities before.

Final Newsworthy Mark - 18/20

“Weekend warriors’ exercise called good enough to prevent early deaths”

Timing- 4/4
The timing of this article is great as many people nowadays are not getting the recommended amount of exercise and this study has shown that even if you are too busy through the week to exercise, working extra hard on the weekends still has many health benefits.

Significance- 2/4
This article gives you some good news that there is a study that proves being a “weekend warrior” still has almost as good of health benefits as working out throughout the week but it’s not like we didn’t already know that some exercise is better than no exercise.

Proximity- 3/4
The study that this article is talking about was conducted in the U.K but we are all apart of the human race so the study would still yield similar results over here. The only major difference may be diets.

Prominence- 2/4
The article isn’t exactly extremely prominent as I stated before, “exercise is good for your health” isn’t exactly big news. The study proving that completing the recommended amount of exercise at once is just as good for your health as spreading it out is good news but other than that we were just told news we already knew.

Human Interest- 4/4
I personally find this news very interesting as between school, work and my social life it can be hard to find the time to exercise. It is great to know that it is ok to be a weekend warrior and do my recommended amount of exercise all at once.

Final Newsworthy mark - 15/20

“Mexican refugee claims jump after visa requirement dropped”

Timing- 4/4
Refugees are a very hot topic nowadays as more and more refugees from the middle east are coming in. Canada is already taking in what some may consider as too many refugees from the middle east so if there is a large increase from refugees from Mexico that may upset some who were already on the fence about the refugees.

Significance- 3/4
This article is pretty significant because a huge influx of Mexicans could affect the lives of many Canadians. The number of available jobs could greatly decrease if another group of refugees were to be brought into Canada.

Proximity- 4/4
The proximity of this article is as close as it gets as these refugees could be moving in right down the street from you. Areas like blackville are not as likely to see a large influx of refugees quite like places like Toronto or Alberta.

Prominence- 3/4
As I stated in my timing refugees are a hot topic as many people have very different and very strong opinions on refugees. I personally do not see a problem with refugees as long as they are leaving their country for a good reason. Some mexicans could possibly claim refugeeism just to move here for jobs, I am by no means stating that all of them would for this reason but it’s not like they’re fleeing a war torn country like Syria.

Human Interest- 3/4
This story has quite a bit of human interest as the lives of many Mexicans and Canadians could be affected by this. This has made it easier than ever for Mexican citizens to move to Canada so Canada’s culture could become much more diverse in the following years.

Final Newsworthy Mark- 17/20

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